Sacred Woman’s MoonLodge Visionary Woman
De Clercqstraat 123, Amsterdam
Dear Woman, MoonLodges: A Sacred Gathering of Women These gatherings are ideally suited for 12 or more women, with each month dedicated to a specific theme. See below for this month’s focus. For monthly updates and details, sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram: @wenwei.rest2flow. I have been facilitating MoonLodges for nearly a decade, and as I grow, so does the depth of my passion, wisdom, and capacity to hold sacred space. These gatherings are layered with many levels of healing and empowerment. At their core, MoonLodges are a sanctuary where sacred feminine wisdom is shared. Rooted in Celtic, Asian, and Native traditions, these gatherings integrate philosophies of healing that connect us to our lineage and bring wholeness. They weave shamanic and systemic practices with feminine mystery knowledge, creating profound opportunities to return to our essence. The heart of the MoonLodge is the moment of deep inquiry — an invitation to connect to our true feelings, whether easily accessible or not. From this place of authenticity, profound healing emerges. Each woman’s story becomes a collective healing for all who witness. In these sacred circles, we are reminded of the power of being fully seen and accepted. This is a safe space to shed societal masks and speak from what is real. It takes great courage to show our vulnerability, but it is through this very vulnerability that we transform. Here, we midwife one another’s rebirth. Every woman’s pain, story, and release becomes a doorway for collective healing. We shed deep tears, share our secrets, release betrayal, and bring love to the tender parts within us. Together, we hold each other in sisterhood, allowing the pain to dissolve and spaciousness to Theme for January is She Who DreamWeaves Connect to your Intuition, visionary guidance, creative manifestation. Shadow themes to transmute are: The Isolation and Overwhelm which many of us face today. It’s a collective struggle of balancing the giving nature of iur feminine with the need for replenishment, and the overwhelm of navigating a noisy, fast-paced world while longing for inner peace and soulfulness. We will Reconnect with our authentic feminine power. •Balance their inner and outer worlds. •Transform self-doubt into self-acceptance. •Remember their connection to the natural cycles and wisdom of Mother Earth. Through mythic story, and ritual we will bring wholeness this night for ourselves, one another and the collective. I look forward to weaving together Wen-Wei